
The placement season is going on, and the header of the topic would have indicated to you the result that I received.
As great men say, "Success is moving from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm." I am slightly confused about that. Why do only those speak such things who are successful? After screwing up badly in an interview, I would never come up with any such statement. And if I do, it would sound like a loser's comment.
The interview was horrible. I could barely answer a question. More than my own , I was worried about my college's reputation. "Creme-de-la-creme" students come here, and those students of don't know the basics of what has been taught and what is supposed to be "the best course of Asia-Pacific", there are reasons to worry.
Though this experience is not a new one for me, and in general I hate giving excuses, but as soon as my interview started, I didn't get a good feeling like I did in the previous interview (I screwed up there as well!) But there at least I felt that I might actually get through. In this case, the damn guys were asking acads all the way! Damn you losers!
Again, through my outbursts, one can imagine the kind of acads I have. To add insult to injury, the damn interviewer asked me, "Why is your CQ so low?" I wondered how stupid he was. Couldn't he understand that from my answers? x-(
Never mind. The only solace for me is that it was placing people at Chennai, a place I dearly hate. Further, there are more companies in the pipeline. So I hope that some good company wants people who have low CQ, who are not leaders and who are average people like me! Amen.


kushank said…
If you think you are Average, you will always be in your life. Its only a thought, the mental thing. Imagine millions of people waiting and craving to be on your shoes right now. Cherish the experience you are getting now. You should choose them rather then they choose you. Treat them as a set of normal people coming to have a chat with you.
Yash said…
Thanks :)
I would definitely try to!!
ila sharma said…
Laugh it off man...there are loads of companies who do realise that people (applicants) are not all about academic credentials/grades/CQ/OQ/PQ...

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