Once More: An Entry EveryDay

It is the third time that I am writing on this topic. I am promising myself again that I will write on this blog daily. I tried doing this earlier as well but failed miserably. In fact, my last entry was in this thing only and that was a few months back.
I feel some or the other thing motivates me on one fine day and I promise myself based on those feelings rather than being rational. Rational thinking might help me not feeling bad about myself because if I make some promises which are rational and achievable, most probably I would end up achieving them.
However, I also feel that over rationalization makes the task simpler and easier. Mostly the progress happens when there are stretch goals: not too difficult that one can't reach them, nor too easy that there is no efforts put in to realize them.
Hence, here I come again with a renewed energy and enthusiasm to restart the things that I left unrealized last time.


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