What a way to bring about the fifty-first! Looked like a celebration post the fiftieth. More than a bombastic innings, this one had all the ingredients of a typical first-class test century coming form a master batsman. The pitch was hostile. The bowlers gave nothing away. The ball seamed and swung more than ever. And it was under these circumstances that the 146 was made. It required patience, grit, perseverance, calm and cool mind, top-class and every other thing that I missed out here. The ball did a lot. What was more special was that no side dominated. The bowlers were top-class. So many nicks didn't reach the slip fielders. So many balls hit the body. So many leg-before appeals. So many times saved from the skin of the teeth. But every time coming back stronger.
We are in a bad habit of praising heroes who are flashy. A flamboyant innings laden with fours and sixes with a strike rate of over 120 would have gained innumerable applauses. What would have missed would be the class and the patience that is needed in test-cricket. "One who runs away, lives there for another day." My Sir said this once, and I saw its application today. Every ball was new, and every opportunity a fresh one. Leaving behind the previous mistake, learning from it and moving forward was primarily on display!

And once again, a billion+ people smiled!
Did I ever hear it said he never plays a crucial innings when needed?


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