
Enough has been said and written about the maximum city, and I am not the best of the writers to give something new or something old in new and blasting words. But on and off, the city brings strange excitement in me.
The placement season is going on. We will try to sell ourselves to the company of our choice. Most of us would not be able to do that in the most desired manner. But most of the students would get placed at Mumbai, or Bombay as I like calling it.
I read two books on Bombay: The Maximum City, and Shantaram. Shantaram isn't about the city per se, but contains huge details about it, and that gave me an additional point to get excited about the city. I visited Bombay a few times and every time I felt strange buzz across the city, as if something was going on. "The city never sleeps" as some people like to say about Bombay.
I feel there are innumerable possibilities there. Not only for people pursuing wealth, but otherwise as well. I feel Bombay is an experience: the local, Marine Drive, Leopold, Dharavi, Bandra, Hali Ali, Dalal Street to name a few.
What I am also excited about is the varied kind of people existing there. The culture of the city is formed because of the people living there. Identical is the case with Bombay. Most of the people I met befriend you immediately. They (atleast) look genuine. Many of my friends are from that place.
There are numerous problems associated with Bombay as well: population, roads, distances, cost of living. Of all these, distance is one that concerns me the most. Time, now has become money for me too! I have wasted hours and hours. But seems that would not be possible now! There are plethora of desires that I have: none of them even remotely close to buy an island, or a porsche or any such thing. While I wont mind buying any of them if I can, they are not on my priority list. But to pursue my hobbies and goals, as I like to call them now, I need time! The most destructive way to waste is to spend while travelling. Lets see how that will be sorted out.
As of now, I am waiting to get placed. While Poona is my number 1 place of choice, Bombay comes close next, and post that I am kind of "don't care" for Bangalore, Hyderabad, Calcutta, Chandigarh, Jaipur etc. NCR & Madras are a big NO! Lets see where the destiny takes me :).
All the best.


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