Running a business: The good and the bad
This is a blog that I read. A guy left his job and started to work on his own. He shares his good and bad experiences. I liked them, so sharing them here With Clear Presentation Design being just over a year old I thought it might be a good time to put together some of my thoughts on the good and bad aspects of running your own business. Now, while these views are my own, and based on my experiences over the last yearI would imagine that most business owners would identify to a certain degree with at least some of what I have to say here. I’ll kick things off with the “Bad” aspects so I can end with the good news - THE BAD … - 1. You do what?… oh that’s nice. The majority of people who are important to you, friends, family etc, will just not understand. Firstly, they will probably not fully understand what exactly it is that you do. This is of course fair enough, especially if you inhabit a pretty specific niche like I do. The bottom line is that people won’t understand what you do an...