I had to change my blogspot account!!

I went to office and my manager (let’s call him Elisha) started asking me about the blog I had written earlier. “O God! How come he knows about it?”, I thought. I had not given him the link. I did forward the link to a few of my colleagues, but never to him. He was cracking his jokes regarding the blog and all I could thought was about, “Has he read the other blogs?”, “Meri to watt lag gayi beta…!!!”. What perplexed me the most was how the hell he could get my blog link.

Probably you read my previous blog, 3 IDIOTS. I sent the link to one of my colleagues (let’s call him Dick!). He was reading it when Elisha came to him. Elisha saw 2 familiar names. This aroused his curiosity. He asked about what Dick was reading to which Dick told it was a blog which I had written. Oops! But I was on a sick leave!! Elisha then asked for the link. Dick had no choice but to give. Elisha might have read the blog.

In my previous blogs I have written quite shamelessly about my future plans and how I hate my IT job. Also, how Elisha himself has created a mess of his eyes by over working, sleeping few hours than barely necessary, how desperately I wanted to go somewhere and a lot more! Trust me the stuff written there would have got anyone kicked out of the present company. And when it’s my case, it’s all the worse because of the sheer genius of my coding skills!!

Then began my ordeal to either delete my blogspot account or delete the blogs or do something which would prevent Elisha from going through the damn things I had written earlier!
I remember I had seen some option to edit the blog. When I needed it the most, I could find it nowhere. I couldn’t hate my poor memory more.
I then searched on the internet the ways to delete the blogspot account. To my dismay, it was written that as of now the account couldn’t be deleted. Strange! However, it could be effectively deleted using certain ways. I thought I would read and implement them ASAP. However, I could not read it for Elisha sits adjacent to my seat!

It was Friday that all this happened. The team went for Kabala Sabbath. There again Elisha came out with the blog topic. However, he praised my writing style  which made me happy. He told that the flow was very nice and it was written very well!! Oops! Here also the same thoughts were revolving in my mind. Worse, he was discussing it in presence of all the Group Leaders! “What if they all read it in a meeting room in my presence?”.

It was in the evening that a friend of mine (let’s call him Blacky). Blacky came to my seat. I told him everything. First we laughed out loud! Then he told me there were options to delete the account. “Wow!”.
We then started searching various options on the site. Good part was Elisha wasn’t around to check me. I didn’t really want to delete the account. I had put in quite a few of my feelings in it. Suddenly Blacky saw that there was an option of changing the name of the blog. “Bull’s eye!!”. This way I didn’t have to delete the published stuff and Elisha would also not find the link.

What name to keep? I liked the name also: yash-speaks. But it had to be changed if I wanted to keep my job intact. Blacky suggested instead of yash-speaks, we should keep it yash-spoke!! At that time I liked it, since we found it very funny. We were finding everything funny then!!
Later however, I changed it to yash-talks.
Never mind. Elisha is now so busy that he no longer asks me about my blog. So in effect, the whole ordeal went down the drain, yet it was pretty interesting event that happened.


|M|O|H|I|T| said…
chaturs. what a fun. seriously, what you had written would have made elisha hate his job too(atleast till the time he returned ack to his work). Bravo chaturs!!
Anonymous said…
Saaale...mere ko koi accha naam diya hota...I AM NOT BLACKY :) lolz...

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