
There is more than just one aspect to a human being’s personality. The K-serials showed just the opposite. The good were always good and the bad, perennially evil. Leave K-serials, they were the worst possible things that could have been created. In general, only one shade of a person’s character is shown if one reads some other novel or watches some movie.
However, what is true in reality is that without fail every individual has various traits that define his/her nature. Good, bad, carefree, cautious, evil, divine….. a person has everything in him/her. What I feel is every individual is a split personality. The same person might act different in same situation.

Godaan was first published in 1936 and is considered the greatest Hindi novel of modern Indian literature.
What I liked about the book is portrayal of variety of shades of human personality. A man who was a baddie also had benevolence for others and it was circumstances that brought other aspects of his temperament. Same was the case with a severely short tempered female. She was angry with everyone and everything. But a few words of appreciation were enough to bring about that side of her which was never ever revealed before. Not that only negative people had positives. It was the other way around as well. Meek and timid became bold when they found enough support on their side. A highly irresponsible son started shouldering duties when faced with the guilt that he had been taking his parents for granted. A young girl, who always dreamt of a rich, handsome and loving husband, became a devoted wife to a man whose age was more than his own father’s and was poor and ailing!
Its said that there are no better friends than two sisters. However, when suspecting her husband’s extra-marital affair with her sister, the hatred was unrelenting.

This is not a review or praise of the book rather what I felt about it. It was very close to reality and brought out different sides of a people’s feelings in a very beautiful way. I am in love with books or movies which show some actuality. This was exactly the kind of book I was looking for. I am really lucky that authors like Premchand were there. I could not understand much what Mr. Shakespeare wrote, however, my plans are to read all the creations of Premchand. The next one would be GABAN!


|M|O|H|I|T| said…
chatur, your selection of words and ways of usage is simply remarkable.
Besides, I am really impressed by your selection of reading and writing. So diversified yet so interesting.
I regret now having not followed you in college time when you and the one "who should not be named" decided to build their vocab and I avoided it using an excuse. Seems, this particular habit has lasted more than the one ended after 4 years ;)
Keep it up and remember I am always there to publish your work whenevr you feel like doing so :D
Parul said…
havnt read this novel..
but wanna read it aftr reading ur blog..wen can u lend me this novel;)

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