
Few questions to all:

-No one wants to tread the path followed by everyone. Meet anyone and he/she would tell that he/she doesn’t want to be the part of the ever ending and maddening so called RAT RACE. Still people are there, and a humongous number of them who are traversing the same road again and again and again!! Why?

-Why does everyone hate one’s job? Is working so bad? Still only those people are revered  who are in a GOOD job. What is a GOOD JOB? A highly paid one even if you hate going to the office daily? Even the mere mention of the office on a holiday is sacrilegious. Vice versa isn’t!! 

-I feel each and every human being has some or the other dream, something which he/she wishes, and wishes badly to do and do happily. Atleast one thinks that one would be happy while doing that. Passion, dream, unrelenting desire to do something. That doesn’t need to be something unique. Rather it can be as trivial as listening to music or reading. Then why doesn’t one do that? 

-Why does everyone judge every other person without fail? Some do it more, some less, but comewhatmay, it is done. Why are people concerned about others more than themselves? Over self indulgence is as bad as indulging in other’s matters. This is what I feel. “What will aunty think if I go out  with him?”, “I so wish to build my career in dancing but what will others say?”. 
-People end up living a life which they hate and hate each and every aspect of it but are unable to tell the world with conviction that so and so thing is what I desire and I live here to make myself happy rather than catering to what others think about what I am or what I do.

-Who is the most revered and envied person today? One having the most money or one with maximum powers? I doubt if that is the case because otherwise Bill Gates and George Bush would have been the two. Bush is not respected anywhere. Gates isn’t envied all that for not many people even think of reaching his stature money wise or otherwise. Then who is? I am jealous of every individual, big or small, rich or poor, who is doing what he/she is doing. Rather one who is happy while doing things he is doing. One who is following one’s passion and not just doing what is PRACTICAL and the IN THING. The same guy is the one whom I respect also. No doubt in following one’s passions and dreams, hell lot of troubles are going to come. But where wont they come. Atleast one is reaping the outcome of the fight he is doing for what he wants rather than hating what one does.

-What is correct isn’t always popular and vice versa. What should one do? The popular or the correct?

-I like people who read a lot and I desperately try to force people back into reading who once did but stopped due to some reasons. 

-Imagine life without needs. Need is the mother of invention or Need is the killer of dreams? Everyone wants atleast a 3 bed room flat and is ready to pay any price for it, the price which usually turns out to be 20 years of one’s life (in India). You end up spending the best part of your life repaying the damn loan which you took thinking that is the one thing which will make you happy. Then you are not happy. You go and buy another thing again thinking that will make u happy only to realize u end up having an even bigger loan to repay. Then your dreams go for a toss. The things you ALWAYS wanted to do are no more even in the list. Because now you no longer have the luxury of taking risks. One failure and the police might knock your door for defaulting the loan. And come on, what will everyone say that he could not refund the loan? Again, imagine if you have lesser requirements, not a huge loan to refund, no extra burden of proving yourself to the society which anyhow criticizes you whether or not you do the right thing. Here you are like a boss and the society like your subordinate. Comewhatmay, you are going to be at the receiving end whatever you do, good or bad, indiscriminate. However, you do not have the power to command the society. That way the society is the ruler!!

-People deride themselves the most. Junta is ready to fight for the cause of society, female emancipation, SC/ST/OBCs, Maharashtra, India, USA. The Americans are so amazing that they are always ready to save the world from the clutches of the aliens! I don’t see many people who are ready to fight for their own cause, for the desire present deep down since ages. Is the pressure from the society, which includes parents, friends, peers, neighbors, spouse, the man walking down the road, kirane ki dukan wala, the rickshaw puller and the conductor, the teachers, the society guard…. the list is endless, so hefty that one stops living one’s own dream and crumbles to the liabilities which the society doesn’t give, rather we on ourselves assume it. People who cannot stand for themselves cant stand for anyone else. Self is the only one who will be there with you in the thickest and the thinnest. Parents, friends, spouse everyone might leave due to some or the other reasons. Your SELF would never betray you. Still no one nurtures the simple desires of self. What a pity!!  

-Sacrifice… how good is it? And to what limits? How good is self negation or self effacing? Excess of anything is bad. Excessive narcissism, self indulgence n self conceit is as disastrous as excess of self negation. 

-What is it the right time for philanthropy? Should it be a part and parcel of day to day life or should it start after one has fulfilled most of one’s material desires? A saint becomes a saint when he has seen all the colors of life. So should Philanthropy start after one doesn’t have anything left to do? Bill Gates started that way. He has nothing to prove to anyone anymore. He was the czar of the software and hardware industry throughout the world for more than 25 years that too with no competition. But couldn’t have he started the things earlier? Another question, what should be the degree of philanthropy? Larger than life the way Gates is indulging in or only a small and a nice intention is good and fair enough to be called philanthropy? What is philanthropy? Is it in the intention by which one does something?


fatlantis said…
Apparenlty a lot of people out there at some point or other have echoed the same sentiments .. do not let the anger and frustration at not being able to do what you want simmer down.. maybe that would help you one day in doing what you really want.. btw nice blog..
Anonymous said…
Perhaps these r the questions which we ask ourselves everyday...and if m not wrong,we know the answers too..just that we pretend that we dont know them and hence we r not able 2 come out of the shell that we have built around us!!!!
I dint know u cud write so well..nice piece of work my dear!!

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