My first ROCK SHOW

Venue: Elysium, Pune
Date: 17/08/2008,
There was a rock show at Elizium, Pune. I too went there. Not that I like rock, in fact I haven’t even heard most of the songs. Just like that. No specific reasons. A friend of mine had called me up so I thought of going. There was one more reason. I dint want to spend the evenings at my place either chatting to people online or browse through the channels showing advertisements, reality shows or the dangerous, K or K-type serials.

I reached there pretty late. It was to start around 7 in the evening. But I had a few things to buy. A belt and a pair of trousers to be specific. I arrived at the venue around 8.30PM. Some band named "AGNEE" was performing. Quite a lot of people had turned up. It seemed people loved rock! The guy was yelling and so were the people present. Added to that was head banging and sign of evil. For people equally illiterate as I am, the meaning of head banging and sign of evil is described which I got to know only yesterday.
Head banging is something like you keep swinging your head up and down with lot of jerks and force. For a good Head banging you should also have long hair which should flow in cadence with ur head. People who know a lot about head banging say it looks good. The swing goes in rhythm of the music being played. The head banging goes on through out the show no matter what is being played and for people like me who don’t understand a word of the hard rock that is the best part because people think you are enjoying the show even when you understand not even R of Rock.
Though I have pretty short hair, I tried head banging. Mine wasn’t all that glamorous, primarily due to absence of hair and also due to lack of the Head banging experience.
As the show progressed, the head banging turns into torso banging. Just replace head with torso in the description I have given earlier and u would understand the newly self-coined phrase: Torso banging. This is the proof of a good rock show. Along with this if u want to show ur appreciation for the band, play an imaginary guitar. It again has dual advantage: first u show that u appreciate the band there by making people understand that u understand what is going on there even if u barely understand, as was the case with me again. Secondly, using an imaginary guitar, you can fulfill ur age old dream of playing guitar which could not be fulfilled otherwise whatever the reasons be.
Sign of evil is a sign u make with only the index finger and the little finger of ur hand up and rest all down.(quite strange, the middle finger is not standing!!). Probably the two fingers make the horns which are supposedly present on the head of any evil (I never saw any such horns on any female's head though!). They follow the pre historic movies in which the devil had the horns. I think they need to update. Now they can use the photos of their managers instead. Anyways, for no reasons known to me, they showed evil signs to the singer. Apparently this was also a sign of appreciation... and u now know why people appreciate (have told earlier).
To keep people stay there, the organizers were even throwing T-shirts. They know the psyche of us Indians. We can wait eternally for anything free.
After Agnee finished their performance, another band called Brute Force started and with that started something strange. Suddenly someone pushed me very hard. I dint understand what was that. Then another person pushed another person and this chain reaction started. Everyone was pushing everyone for reasons known to them only. Probably that too was a "rock-show" property. People ran amuck towards anyone and let their bodies fall over the other guy. To make matters worse for me, I had with me a bag containing my new trousers and my helmet. Usually I don’t wear helmet but the Murphy was a very intelligent person. He wrote his law taking people like us into consideration. When someone pushed me, I fell flat on the ground leaving my belongings here and there. My new helmet received scratches and my bag got soiled. My specs were saved though. I somehow managed to reach a safe corner and I kept standing there for next half hour till the show went. Finally the show came to an end. People started leaving for their places.
Every time something happened, I felt all the more illiterate. There only I decided to start listening to rock. A little knowledge isn’t all that bad. U could go about, head bang, show all those evil signs and yea... push a bit and not pretend that u know all of the things going on.
All in all I had pretty good experience. I dint understand even a thing still the air was charged and the chicks were hot.
Planning to go to more rock concerts. But from this time with some planning. A big group for shoving others, no helmets or bags and yea, remove the specs.
Hopefully the next time u go to a rock show, u find me pushing people and banging head here and there.Yo!!


Anonymous said…
ya man...thats the spirit can i expect a little less NO's from ur side when i tell you to give me company for a few rock shows?
Phoenix said…
hey... long time no new posts?? dead on blogger or wat.. check out mine...


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