52 Weeks, 52 Books

I love reading. Every time I visit a bookshop, I am struck with a fantasy of reading all the books neatly arranged there. I fantasize about my own reading room – a small room with an AC; filled with natural light; few lamps which give yellow light and NOT white one; various seating options – couch, bean bags, rocking chairs and one huge table; and finally an electric kettle which I can use to prepare as much tea as I wish. The dark brown wooden bookshelves capture the entirety of the two sides of the room, decorating the room like nothing else can.

Another of my fantasies was to read non-stop, endlessly day after day. I couldn’t fulfil that fantasy ever. I was once reading a book. One thing stayed with me from it: the protagonist used to read a book every fortnight. I thought about it, and thought some more. Why couldn’t I do that myself? Unfortunately, like the Indian Government which starts development projects and then shelves them, I too started reading a-book-a-fortnight when something or the other came up, and I shelved the books and delved into my fantasies like – ironically – a bookworm delves into a book.

So when I came across this blog which boldly proclaimed – 52 weeks, 52 books, 52 blogs – I started pacing from here to there – expectant – like a child paces around the gifts to open. The idea was promising like early days of youth. The thought that others are also putting in efforts for reading books like I am, was exciting.

Few e-mails were exchanged. They shared their list of the books which they planned to read in 2014. I intend to make my list soon and share back. Not that I haven’t tried reading consistently earlier, just that it couldn’t be materialized as much as I wanted – quite like the New Year resolutions. I don’t know why, but this time it looks different. I strongly feel that I would complete a book a week for the whole year (though am already late by 3-4 books. Its Feb end, and I have read only 4 books). There is a goal in front of me, and it’s a personal goal. The possibility of completing it is high.

I am in a process of making my list of 52 books. I have started asking for recommendations rather than buying the books on their face value. Earlier I used to pick a book based on how I felt about it at that time. This process has betrayed me the way politicians betray their masses. I have a huge number of books mocking at me from the bookshelf. The list remains untouched – the names unstruck.

So here is a request to all of you – please recommend books that impacted you in a positive way. I don’t care much about the genre, just the book should be good. A heart-breaking love-story, an unputdownable mystery, an intriguing thriller, a convoluted philosophy or a motivating biography – everything is welcome.



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