Ten Reasons Why You Should Not Drink

  1. You get up the next morning (or afternoon) with no memories of the last night, or a bad headache, or both.
  2. You frantically search for your mobile phone as the memories return, and look at the ‘Sent Items’. After that you vow never to face her again.
  3. You get too liberal, and want to pay for all your friends. The friends don’t stop you. The next morning you vow never to take your wallet to the next party.
  4. You broke down your yearly resolution into more achievable monthly resolutions. The first one is to abstain from drinking and lead a simple, healthy and controlled life. With the monthly resolution gone for a SIX, you are reminded of: So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin. [James 4:17 ESV]. You feel like a sinner.
  5. You had good relationship with your boss. The next time you meet her, you can’t figure out the reasons for unachievable deadlines and absence of erstwhile smiles. You look at your mobile again – bitterly.
  6. Your house is stinking, and no one knows why. You decide to relieve yourself, and find the reason out. There was one guy who puked and forgot to clean. As the memories return (Point no. 1), you feel guilty.
  7. Your body is aching. Someone clicked a photograph of yours while you were sleeping. It resembled a distorted Question Mark. Yoga is added to the monthly resolution list.
  8. You are receiving huge number of ‘Congratulations’ messages on Facebook. You are scared that someone hacked your Facebook account and changed your Relationship Status to ‘Married’. You look at your half-asleep friends and ask – Why?
  9. You hugged a beggar from the street. You can’t find your wrist watch.
  10. You remember the last time you resolved never to touch ‘it’ again. You smile – realizing that this resolution is like that break-up which never happens.


Anonymous said…
It's me!!


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