60 minute me dil ki chori!

After all it’s not a car, that it could get stolen in 60 seconds – hence 60 minutes.

My room-mate’s birthday was on Friday. He invited one of his friends along with who came another ‘friend’. By the time they came, I was, ahem, high on spirits. Ages since C2H5OH has had such an effect on me. Sadly for the ‘friend’, that was the day!

While I can’t recall completely, but with whatever I do, I was doing something which I don’t usually do. I was loud, dancing like crazies, inviting everyone on the dance floor and hitting blatantly on the ‘friend’. The first three I have done occasionally, but the last one – well!

With whatever little memories of the night are present, I remember that I danced all around her. I guess I was using my extremely animated facial expressions which were a cause of extreme laughter all around and a cause of extreme anxiety for my room-mate. I also remember that another of my friend was trying to keep me away from her, but to his utter failure. I believe she enjoyed the extended attention too, for on and off she acceded to what I ‘requested’. By the way, all I requested her was to join me for dance. I just held her hands and (probably) gently took her to the dance floor.

Now, by nature – deep down in my heart – I am a decent person (many might not agree!). Even in the state of high content of problem-creating-by-enthusiasm-inducing liquid in my blood, I was conscious that I was not misbehaving. The proof to this was the fact that when we were going to see her and her friend off, we (‘friend’ and I) chit-chatted on the back seat. For a change she did most of the talking while I was listening happily. Sadly, I don’t remember a thing what she spoke! BTW even here my evil friends tried to separate me from her. But I am not the one to go down easily .

The next day I went to Daman where due to stiff-neck I could barely do a thing. I took two pain-killers which helped me return to Mumbai.

However, the thought of hers lingered in my head all around. Then I thought why not ask her for a coffee! Just the thought was so *sweet*, imagine what it would be to ACTUALLY sit across her, with a coffee in the hands and smile on the face . For more than a day I kept figuring out what I would talk to her, how she will laugh on my jokes, how the sea breeze will blow on our faces and how her beautiful hair would flow with it. So I asked my roommate to ask his friend if her ‘friend’ was still around because she is not from Mumbai. While till then it was like a beautiful dream, suddenly the reality came crashing down – she had left! She was sitting in some cheap economy class airplane when I was trying to get my stupid neck back in order.

So since then I am feeling terrible. I messaged her on FB also and have been waiting for the reply eagerly. Just that since it has been 2 days; a sinking feeling of no reply is coming! Within 48 hours I lived a full love-story, err… a half-love story. I have a couple of her pictures and more than a couple of her memories which are sufficient for time being. Still awaiting her reply!


47 said…
wrong timing buddy...nice to see that u havent given up hitting though :)

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