I support Anna

Everyone has a view. I too have it. Everyone has a view about things they don’t know about. I am no different. I have views about Anna Hazare and the Lokpal Bill even though I haven’t really followed the proceedings. I tried reading newspaper, but was thoroughly bored after a few lines, which too were mostly incomprehensible for me. I still have a view about Lokpal bill because it is present on Twitter, Facebook and the roads.
I am supporting the Lokpal Bill. Of course I don’t know zilch about what is inside (Law has been my weakest area in academics in addition to Compensation, Training & Development and PMS). Why I support it is because I feel a revolution has arrived and no one has remained untouched. While people don’t know about the technical details, they think that it will bring a change – a positive one – in the Indian Politics and life in general. Why I support this bill is because it has forced lot of people to think – to think that things can be changed for good, to think that for the change to happen, we have to change ourselves first! Didn’t Mahatma Gandhi say, “Be the change you want to see in the world”? I feel this revolution is bringing in that thought process which has always eluded the Indian masses. While they want the Government officials to be honest while doing their rightful work, they wish that the Traffic Police is corrupt so that they can get away by paying 200 bucks when they have broken a law worth a thousand. It doesn’t stop here. After paying the bribe to the Police, they will curse the same man for bribery! I know Indians are hypocrites.
This revolution has power to make a small dent in this feeling and thinking. These things I write out of experience that I had – with myself and a few others. While sitting in auto, now it feels difficult to ask the driver to break the signal because at that point of time the road is empty. It is also tough to instruct the auto driver to go in the One-way zone to save 7 extra rupees. Post all this hullaballoo; I had a discussion with my room mate about how even us – crème-de-la-crème of the country – don’t think twice before breaking the law and then greasing the hands of the cops – who by the way is always ready to oblige. And this discussion has happened many times. The other day I read a post on Facebook where one of my seniors stood up against an Auto walla for having cheated her due to her ignorance of the route. He brought her from a longer route which caused the bill to be thrice the actual one. She paid the actual bill and fought with him. In reply to this another person shared a story of a female who again fought for what was rightfully hers. She called for an auto. By the time she could board it, some other female occupied it. The female first told her that it was she who has spotted the auto first. When the other one didn’t acknowledge, she went and stood right in front of the auto and refused to budge until the female inside had to come out. While this was a simple thing and she could have taken another auto, it was more about standing for the principles than anything else.
Both my sisters and brothers-in-law went to Ramlila Maidan, Delhi to show their support to Anna, twice. More number of people are coming up on the streets and shouting slogans. Imagine the slogan shouting when India hasn’t won a cricket match against Pakistan (we all know Indian Cricket Team’s situation right now). My mother is an ardent fan.
Why I support this revolution is because I feel it will bring change in the society – not through law or bill but through people, because they will change themselves. The corruption will reduce and life would be better. Amen.


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