Aftermaths of examination

Yesterday while I was sleeping in the afternoon, I saw a weird dream that I flunked a PT (Physical Training) examination at XLRI and that they are kicking me out of the college that too in the sixth term. I woke up with a start and felt strange – a bit out of breath. I checked the date and time, tried to recollect the way I wrote the exams and finally was reassured that the dreadful days of XL were over, I received the diploma, I have a job and that there was no such exam like PT in a HR course. I got up, drank some water, patted my back to have come out of such difficult times and realized I had a smile on my face because of that dream. I couldn’t help but remember how many times I woke up because of similar dreams with different versions and different classes: class X, XII even engineering. A few versions are as follows:

  • You got up on time for the exam, reached the exam centre well in time only to realize that the admit card is missing. You rush back towards your home on your non-motorized two-wheeler. You paddle as fast as you can but in frenzy you forget the way to your place. You spend three hours paddling. You wake up startled!
  • You got up on time for the exam, reached the exam centre well in time only to realize that the paper that you have prepared is on the next Monday and that you are screwed. You wake up, drink some water, and thank your stars that you are not screwed.
  • You got up on time for the exam, reached the exam centre well in time only to realize that the exams was scheduled 2 hours earlier (7 am instead of 9!). You rush to reach the exam hall number 14 only to find the halls 13 and 15! You again wake up clutching the bed sheet and almost wetting your pants. You are happy that there is no such thing happening and that there is a toilet at your place.
  • You got up on time for the exam, reached the exam centre well in time. This time you even find your exam hall. But when you move towards the hall you just can’t reach there. It is as if the ground has become a tread-mill. You keep running for 2 hours. When you reach the hall the time is over. As usual you wake up, try to walk on the floor for a few minutes and realize that gymming now needs some rest!

There are innumerable variations to these dreams: none of the 5 pens working in the exam hall, there are no pages in the answer sheets that you receive, and the best one: that you forget to study.

I haven’t come across anyone who hasn’t had such nightmares. I don’t know the profile of such students but I want to believe that the students who struggle more to reach the damn ending end up getting these jitters more than the bright ones. The only good part of such dreams is that they are not real and we need not work towards their fulfillment!


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