Teaching Mom - Computer

My mother asked me to teach her to use a computer. She didn’t want to be a master in that, just that she is an inquisitive person and wanted to learn the basics of a computer. She wanted to learn how to listen to music, watch movies, write letters, use internet mainly to get the rail tickets booked, and a bit of Facebook because that is a good medium to be in touch with many, look at the pictures of her kids and grand kid. So we started post dinner.
I had told her a few things earlier also but due to lack of practice, she had forgotten most of that. So we started again with cut, copy, paste, bold, italics and other basics. The whole process was not easy. While copying was once done with Ctrl + C, the very next time a capital ‘C’ came up because Ctrl was switched with Shift. This happened a few times. I had to explain the use of Click and Enter. This was difficult because explaining such basic things in words was a new thing. I tried my level best. I have no clue what she has learnt but am glad because she used them way better later on. Ctrl + V and Ctrl + Y were being used interchangeably only to have random results. Ctrl + Z was the only savior. Change of font size was another problem though use of bullets was done with much ease.
This process made me wonder how she would have taught me the basics of so many: walking, talking, eating, and recognizing/differentiating various things, English, Maths, Science and so many other things! The process was fun. I had to be consciously patient when innumerable times she asked me how to copy/paste and when she forgot to click and pressed enter.
This reminded me of one of my seniors’ Facebook status message when his mother was coming by flight for the first time all alone. He wrote something like: My mother’s first time alone on a flight made me realize how she would have felt on my first day at school.
My lessons would continue tomorrow as well. I hope she learns and remembers things which might be of some utility to her in my absence as are hers to me when I am far off from her.


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