
Lately I have developed an interest in photography.

My first tryst with photography was not so positive. I went for a trek once and a guy brought his SLR camera. The camera's cost was a whopping 80,000 bucks. I could get no sense out of that. The feeling got stronger when I saw him clicking a picture of a cock. I was puzzled. Why on earth would anyone click a cock? I mentioned this in front of him that he spent 80,000 to click a cock, and the laughter followed. He got pissed. That was his passion and I made fun of it. Since he was a good friend of an avid interest of mine, I apologized and even asked later as how his photography was going.. etc etc etc.

Expression is an important aspect of our lives. Poetry, prose, diaries, articles, songs, art, dance - all have been there since ages. Social Networking sites have come up recently. Blogs, tweets, scraps, posts are the latest buzz words.
I find photography another means to express one's emotions and in a beautiful and creative way. 'Times 100 All time best pics' was an amazing view. A senior also clicks some amazing photos. Another friend also does some similar stuff. We went to Sikkim and he clicked awesome photos.

This inspiration came from a rather unusual source. I was watching 'Wake up Sid'. In that, the protagonist was an amateur photographer but was in love with it. He clicked nice photographs. There was happiness in the activity he was doing. This has usually attracted me a lot - doing things that make one happy.

Another reason of motivation towards photography is exploring a few more areas out of infinite. There is so much to explore. Exploring more enriches people.

For the very matter, have started gathering some info too. I hope there is some positives coming out, positive reinforcement is nice. Lets see, whats in store :)


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