
Showing posts from September, 2010

'A blog a day' revamped

It seems home gives some strange positive energy to people. Every time I come home, it seems there are endless possibilities in the world. That there is nothing which is impossible. 'A blog a day' promise that I committed to myself some three months back when too I was home got shattered. I am revamping it again and I would try to fulfill it this time :). The only thing lacking here is sincerity which is extremely difficult to develop. Since there are loads of promises which I have made to myself, I feel even this one would be fulfilled. Amen!


Lately I have developed an interest in photography. My first tryst with photography was not so positive. I went for a trek once and a guy brought his SLR camera. The camera's cost was a whopping 80,000 bucks. I could get no sense out of that. The feeling got stronger when I saw him clicking a picture of a cock. I was puzzled. Why on earth would anyone click a cock? I mentioned this in front of him that he spent 80,000 to click a cock, and the laughter followed. He got pissed. That was his passion and I made fun of it. Since he was a good friend of an avid interest of mine, I apologized and even asked later as how his photography was going.. etc etc etc. Expression is an important aspect of our lives. Poetry, prose, diaries, articles, songs, art, dance - all have been there since ages. Social Networking sites have come up recently. Blogs, tweets, scraps, posts are the latest buzz words. I find photography another means to express one's emotions and in a beautiful and creative wa...


Watched two movies tonight: ‘Wake up Sid’ and ‘Freedom Writers’. I also watched the ending of ‘The Dead Poet’s Society’. It left me with a nice feeling, of positivity. There was nothing new in the movies except that most of the people there followed what they loved or wanted badly. I also felt somewhat stupid with the kind of feelings I got. Every-time I watch such movies or read some article/book, I get all beamed up, to fulfill what I really desire – and then I get stuck. I am always confused about what I really want – nothing big. Most of the people of my age do not know. Most younger to me don’t. Most elder to me don’t either. I also get confused by the things that attract me most in the movies/books/articles. For instance, what I most loved in ‘Wake up Sid’ was the apartment in which the protagonists lived. It was a small hall which was made beautiful by all the painting that they did: bright colors, small size, carefreeness, bean bags, cleanliness and the view of the sea. Another...