May you live in INTERESTING TIMES....
May you live in INTERESTING TIMES....This is a Chinese proverb. Initially it was supposed to be a curse like we now use "Go to Hell!". But one can look at it from a different perspective. Usually its bad times that brings the best out of people. Change is the name of the game. So, this proverb may be assumed as a High Profit High Loss prospect where if one fights and survives, one gains, otherwise its The End! I feel the year 2009 is going to be Interesting and Exciting, for the previous mentioned reasons. Recession is here. Employees are being laid off. Companies are falling apart. Stocks are nose-diving. Unemployed are sky-rocketing. Profits are abysmal and hence, the future seems to be gloomy like never before... correct? WRONG! This is the time of introspection, a time when instead of finding short cuts, one needs to know the basics of things and implement with caution. A time to remove the glitches which should have been nipped in the bud. A time for new opportunities, i...